Jackie Mitchell,Jackie Mitchell is a female baseball player,she’s the fastest girl pitcher on the team.When she walks on that field the crowd goes wild they jump up and down in the stands hollering and hooting before they start the game she pitches her fast balls to the fence while she’s doing that,Lou Gehrig,and Babe Ruth don’t have any more words that come out of there mouths.The game finally started and jackie wound up her left arm and she finally lets loose with her sinker ball,she wound up again and pitched the ball and babe ruth swung and missed, the 3rd time ruth missed,the umpire walked away and jackie wound up in her position and pitched agian the 4th time and missed.

2014 & 2015

I had great times at Hurricane Harbor with my aunt, uncle , and cousins. They have so much rides and water slides everywhere, it was very fun. My aunt and I loved the lazy river we all had lots of fun that was the best time I ever had with my aunt, uncle, and cousins in the year of 2014.

The goal I want to achieve or do a very good job on in 2015 is the 5th grade STAAR. The STAAR means so much to me because if I make a C, A, or B I will pass the 5th grade and make it to the 6th grade. That’s why I want to pass and achieve a goal for this year of 2015.